Pros and Cons of Newborn Circumcision: Informed Decision-Making

As noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at one point, over half of all males in the U.S. were circumcised. Today, this percentage is dwindling as some parents see it as unnecessary. However, at Rancho Mirage Pediatrics, serving Rancho Mirage, CA, and the nearby region, we perform this procedure after birth and would like to say there are some benefits to it. Before you schedule with Dr. Arturo Quintanilla, you should know the risks.


 First let's discuss the pros, which include the following:

Decreased Risk of Infection 

 Whenever you circumcise your son, you reduce his risk of various types of infections, including urinary tract infections because there's less place for bacteria to develop, among other reasons. You also lessen his chances of developing an STD. One reason for this is because of fewer microtears in the penis during sex.

Easier to Care For 

 While with good care, it's possible to prevent complications associated with poor hygiene and having a foreskin. However, it does require additional care, as the foreskin must be retracted. It takes extra time and requires the male to dry the area thoroughly. If a man doesn't take care of the area as necessary, infection could develop.

Prevents Needing It Later 

 Some men end up needing to have the procedure once they get older due to complications. At this point, it's more painful and risky. You prevent this by circumcising your son.


 Despite having benefits, there are some negatives of opting for circumcision. 

Not Covered by Insurance 

 Typically, any private insurance provider will only cover circumcision if it's a medically necessary procedure. Even Medicaid in California doesn't cover it, as it's considered an elective, cosmetic procedure. With that said, you'll have some expenses out of pocket in Rancho Mirage, CA.

Can Cause Discomfort 

 Though our pediatrician will administer a nerve block prior to the procedure to minimize any pain, your infant may still have some discomfort afterward.

Site Infection 

 Your little one could develop an infection at the surgical site. We take every precaution to prevent this, and there's treatment to assist if an infection should develop.

Is Permanent

 Once our pediatrician performs the surgery, it's irreversible. Therefore, if you or your child would ever want him to have an intact penis, it's not possible.

Child Is Not Consenting

 Whenever you circumcise a newborn, your child will not have a say, which causes some people to have concerns, particularly if the male would wish he wasn't circumcised.

Dr. Quintanilla of Rancho Mirage Pediatrics, serving Rancho Mirage, CA, and the neighboring regions, encourages parents to understand the pros and cons of newborn circumcision.

Call 760-770-0000.

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8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm